Image Of Shreem - The Universe Image Of Shreem - The UniverseVedic Astrologer Pandit Parsai
Hindu Vedic Astrology

Letters to Vedic Astrologer Pandit Parsai

Time and again we receive various letters from people
expressing their gratitude and marveling at
Pandit Parsai's accurate prediction.

My very dear Pandit Parsai,

You will be very surprised to receive this e-mail from me.. But I have so much to tell you! First of all: Whatever you predicted about my daughter has come true to the T !!!!! You are indeed a True man of God, as I am sure that no ordinary man would be able to predict the future so accurately!!

I happened to read your letter to me reference my daughter again only today, and I gasped with astonishment to realize the absolute proximity to the truth of the events in the past recent month.

My husband and I finally gave in to my daughter and she was married to her choice soul mate on Saturday May 11th 02. (According to your predictions the time given was by June 2002 and that was 1 YEAR AGO!!!!!)

Of course he belongs to another religion, (AS YOU SAID!!!) now we can only hope that they are happy with all your blessings.. The marriage took place in a great rush as, my son could get his annual vacation only in the first week of May, and not later than that! It was a real hectic time for us, but we got her married off with grace and dignity.

The nuptials took place in our church. The priest who got us married thirty years ago officiated at the wedding.. God is great and sometimes truth is stranger than fiction isn't it?

Take care then reverend Pandit.

Pandit Parsai,

Thank you for your reply to my questions. Your answers have already set my mind at ease about my current course, and have reaffirmed my own thoughts about my potential actions in the future.

I wish you peace.

Yours truly,

Dear Pandit Parsai,

Thank you very much for the reading. I am trying to work on the worrying. I recently managed to stop biting my fingernails, a small step and I appreciate the advice about my presumptions with men - you are very correct.

Recently, I re-enrolled in a writing course that I begun in the United States. I will pursue this with gusto! Thank you for your words of advice on work choices and places to live too.

I was a little confused about the car accident - I was thinking of an accident I had when I was in a car alone, but your words jogged my memory. Around the same time, I was indeed in a car talking with someone and as I was a little angry, I did something silly which resulted in a little prang.

....and your comment about me adjusting badly to domestic life with lovers/husbands and family is also very correct - I find it hard.

Anyway, thank you again for your reading. I appreciate it immensely.

Peace be with you,